InTheKnow Tarot + Numerology - Delivering practical advice via mystical means


Posts tagged 9 Universal Month
The 9 Universal Month in the 5 Universal Year: Enlightment and Freedom Comes From Forgiveness and Moving On

“Look back to June 2020. That was our last 1 Universal Month. Assess world events through that lens. Think about the themes that were born during that time. It was a powerful, angry month, and justifiably so- there was a lot to be mad about. But in April, we are called to shift this energy into a more compassionate state. This doesn't mean we stop caring or championing the causes that stepped firmly into the limelight. Instead, it means we assess how we handled ourselves. It means we take honest inventory about where there were rewards and also failures. We take stock, wisely glean the lessons accordingly, rethinking and revamping our approaches, releasing what sits heavily within us, preparing to level up and launch the next phase in May.”

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The 9 Universal Month in the 4 Universal Year: A Time for Compassion and Letting Go

“If you can, try to be forgiving. Stress breeds despair and brings out the worst in people. So often, folks just need a little kindness and understanding. Try to be that person. The global vibe is calling for it. That being said, if you need to process, cry, stomp your feet, do it. Just make sure you don’t lash out at innocent people. We’re all hurting (most of us, anyway).”

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