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Posts tagged 4 numerology meaning
The 7 Universal Month in the 4 Universal Year: A Time for Reflection and Assessment

“It so happens that they have several themes in common. Both the 4 and 7 value attention to detail, often to the point of perfectionism. Both emphasize approaching problems and projects with a methodical and steady hand. And when the subject matter is just right, both the 4 and 7 demonstrate unswerving laser-precision focus. Both are seekers of truth and correct information, and they fare better when they have fixed, substantial theses upon which to stand. Give them a fount of data that speaks to their interests, and you'll find these two working late hours, pouring relentlessly over and continuously refining their findings.

Yet the two numbers part ways from there.”

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The 6 Universal Month In The 4 Universal Year: Lessons About Responsibility and The Homefront

If you can find a safe way to do it, consider doing some volunteer work. There are all sorts of community initiatives that will need extra help over the coming months: Delivering meals (6) to the housebound and infirm (4), making homemade masks (6) for the homeless or those in shelters (4), fostering (6) an adoptable pet that needs structure and safety (4), even picking up litter on the side of the highway, both preserving (4) and beautifying (6) our roadways. These are just a few examples of how you can make yourself useful (6) and do something productive (4).

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The 5 Universal Month in the 4 Universal Year: Order Meets Disorder

When proper planning and provisions are in place, the 5 can become less chaotic and a lot more fun! You want to get all the hard work of the 4 well in hand so that you can maximize the thrill-seeking, lust-for-life vibe of the 5 to your best advantage. The 5 screams “Let’s play!” while the 4 calmly yet firmly says “After you do your chores.” Work hard upfront, and you can play hard on the back end- but always, ALWAYS while keeping the responsible 4 in mind. If you don’t, the 4 will push back and playtime will be over. The 4 will become the parent grounding the rebellious 5 teenager, taking away their video games and ordering them to clean their room, where these orders will be inevitably greeted with middle fingers a-blazing. Heels will be dug in, nothing will get done, and there will be more chaos for chaos’s sake. UGH. We don’t need any more of that!

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The 4 Universal Month in the 4 Universal Year: The Lessons of 2020, Amplified

Why am I mentioning this? Because the conflicts and civil unrest within the free-spirited and unfettered American spirit are already running so high. As a numerologist, I am worried about how these conflicts may escalate. Take everything we are dealing with in 2020, and ramp it up several notches. This is what a double-intensity vibration does.

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The 3 Universal Month in the 4 Universal Year: A Time for Tantrums, or Creative Problem Solving?

Where the 3 can be youthful and spontaneous, the 4 can be somber and immovable. Where the 3 may be flighty and unpredictable, the 4 is often stable and dependable. The 3 excels in imaginative and collaborative approaches toward resolving difficulties, whereas the 4 tends to see things in more defined terms. The 3 belongs to the emotional plane of numbers, while the 4 resides on the physical plane. As you can see, these are two different breeds of cat.

This doesn't mean they can't get along; they definitely can! The flexibility of the 3 can help get the 4 out of its rut, and together they can accomplish some genuinely productive work, provided their goals are aligned. That being said, their approaches couldn't be more different. The youthful 3 is like a free-spirited adolescent, while the 4 resembles its instructor, kite-string holder, and stern taskmaster.

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The 1 Universal Month in the 4 Universal Year: Productivity or Stubbornness?

“While the 1 often heralds a season of new beginnings and proclaims “we need to start fresh,” the restrictive 4 is still VERY much at play. Everything in this 4 year points us toward assessing the structural integrity of the systems that hold our societies together.  A clearer vision of the “new normal” could emerge, and new rules going forward could be implemented. We don’t hit the halfway point of this 4 Universal Year until June 30th. We are still very much in the waxing period of this influence, so we are nowhere near done dealing with the restrictions the 4 will be doling out.  Any new regulations or rules that get enacted at this time are more likely to have elements of constraint.”

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The 9 Universal Month in the 4 Universal Year: A Time for Compassion and Letting Go

“If you can, try to be forgiving. Stress breeds despair and brings out the worst in people. So often, folks just need a little kindness and understanding. Try to be that person. The global vibe is calling for it. That being said, if you need to process, cry, stomp your feet, do it. Just make sure you don’t lash out at innocent people. We’re all hurting (most of us, anyway).”

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