Tarotist and Numerologist, Ilha de São Miguel, Açores, tarot reader and numerologist Azores, tarot and numerology Azores
InTheKnow Tarot + Numerology - Delivering practical advice via mystical means


Posts in Reader Spotlight
READER SPOTLIGHT: Silver Raven, Tarot Card Reader, Reiki Healer

“How did you begin your journey into the metaphysical arts?”

“Honestly, I think I was into the metaphysical before I even realized it. At a young age, I was fascinated by my paternal grandmother’s old-world ways. She would drop a little olive oil in a bowl of water, the pattern she saw would tell her if someone had given one of us ‘the evil eye’. If we were ill, she would rub our temples and mutter in Italian softly with what I later came to realize were healing prayers. The soothing feeling of this is something I still remember to this day.”

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