InTheKnow Tarot + Numerology - Delivering practical advice via mystical means


2022: The 6 Universal Year - How Do We Care for Each Other

What? It's the end of 2021? Wasn't it just a couple of months ago we were still desperately waiting for 2020 to be over? I can't speak for all of you, but it sure seems time has become a strangely more indefinable concept since the start of the new decade two years ago. 

Nevertheless, here we are, wrapping up yet another year and staring into an uncertain new year. Whether you are feeling trepidation or anticipation, 2022 is coming regardless, and it would be wise for us to remember to feel that ground under our feet so we can face it head-on with our best foot forward. 

In case you need a reminder, or if this is your first time here, let's chat briefly about the concept and calculation of the Universal Year. 

The Universal Year is the vibe under which the entire planet operates throughout the calendar year. It is different than the Personal Year, which we experience more acutely on an individual level. Universal Years point to themes, lessons, challenges, and opportunities that we see unfolding nationally and internationally. They dominate our news headlines and social media posts. It's a good number to know so you can recognize what you see, and perhaps you can develop a more informed viewpoint as a result. 

We calculate the Universal Year by using numerology's primary formula: addition, and if needed, further reduction to a single number. 

2+0+2+1 = 5. 
2+0+2+2 = 6. 

To paraphrase Sherlock Holmes, it's elementary, dear reader. 

With these basics in our back pockets, let's briefly discuss what we've just lived through: 2021 and the 5 Universal Year. 

The 5 Universal Year's energy is full of change and unpredictability. It is wild, primal, and impulsive. Like a rollercoaster, it whooshes by with unexpected breakneck twists and turns, and hoooooooooo doggie. Yeah. That sure sounds like 2021. One minute, things looked optimistic. The next, things were destabilized. Everything has felt in flux: from swinging between optimism to the upsetting news of Covid-19 variants, political upheaval, inflation, a frenzied real estate market, shocking weather disasters, and constantly changing rules regarding travel and crossing international borders. We've needed to keep a sharp eye on the latest developments as what we woke to in the mornings was no guarantee of what would follow immediately afterward. I don't know about you, but I'm damn exhausted. 

Now that the boisterous, freedom-demanding 5 year is phasing itself out, and the upcoming 6 Universal Year is waiting in the wings, ready to take its spot. So what is commonly associated with the 6 vibe as it transitions through our charts in time measurements? 

  • Issues revolving around family, domestic, and hometown matters are heightened.

  • Responsibilities and obligations to others are increased.

  • Discernment is needed in the commitments we undertake.

  • Discussions about nourishing ourselves and others through food, hospitality, and care.

  • Art and music are favored.

  • Beautifying your environment and surroundings.

  • Opportunities to be of service or be an advocate.

  • Strong feelings of protection of our home communities.

  • Needing to put others first when called upon.

  • Paying forward what has been gifted to you.

  • Doing what is necessary to bring healing and harmony into fractured situations.

  • Exercising compassion. Practicing forgiveness.

  • Watching out for extreme opinions and stubbornness.

  • Paying close attention to matters of health and caregiving.

  • Enlarged desires and impulses to uphold laws or "do the right thing."

To further illustrate the difference between these two numbers:

  • Where the 5 demands personal liberty, the 6 demands the needs of others get prioritized above your own desires.

  • The 5 says, "I need to go exploring," but the 6 says, "If you leave, who will take care of the family you leave behind?"

  • The 5 wants to advertise and promote itself, while the 6 focuses on galvanizing all that attention toward helping the less fortunate.

  • The 5 says, "You only live once- eat all the cake!" The 6 says, "Eating all the cake will leave others hungry. Take only what you need and donate the rest to the needy."

In the 5 Year, our assignment is to have all the experiences. Try all the food. Meet all the people. Push beyond our boundaries. Don't hold anything back. The 6 Year is quite different, though. Its emotional-based energy tells us firmly that the "lust for life" time is over. Now it's time to get serious, operate from the heart, and give back to others. 

To reference last year's theater performance analogy from my 2021 Universal Year analysis, we were feeling itchy for an intermission so we could run to the bathroom, grab something to drink, and go chat with our friends. Now the break is over, and the 6 expects us to settle firmly into our seats, shut our mouths, and open our ears so we can fully embrace, appreciate, and applaud the orchestra's finesse accompanying the lead protagonist's big solo in Act Two. 

So what might this mean for us? 

Well, as I've said before, everything I offer in these analyses is merely conjecture and supposition. Numerology studies themes, potential lessons, strengths, weaknesses and highlights areas for growth and improvement. That said, that's what you're here for, am I right? So now that we've established that I'm working off the numbers rather than claiming to be a one-woman crystal ball, I'll offer up some hypotheses:

Let's address the massive elephant in the room: Covid-19. It must be noted that the health care industry, public health issues, and protecting those we love fall firmly under the 6 vibration. In the 5 Year, many of us saw an attitude of "Let those who want the vaccine get vaccinated. Let those who do not turn it down. Just let everyone have the personal freedom to determine what's best for them individually." It could not have been a more on-brand 5 vibrational response. With the 6 vibration, there's a new sheriff in town- and I suspect it will make greater demands of us all. What does that mean? It means that 2021 strategies will be rewritten, and I wouldn't be surprised if they are stricter. Of course, some countries worldwide took much stronger actions than others, so those people may not notice much of a difference. For the rest of us, we may find more tests, more restrictions, and more cinching of our proverbial belts. Yay? 

Now the good news is with the 6's emphasis on health, caregiving, and being of service, we may be presented with multiple options to move Covid-19 from being pandemic to endemic, which is something we all want, regardless of what side we stand on. The 6 demands we preserve the health of all people, so 2022 could be when the combination of vaccines, rapid tests, antibody infusions, antiviral treatments, and other Covid-19 pills could coalesce into a reasonable widespread plan against the virus. Of course, this scenario would require overall cooperation and agreement, and that's where this could quickly fall apart. I can tell you that this ruling number favors such conditions- it's collective free will that ultimately rules the day. All my fingers and toes are crossed that the healing gifts of the 6 mean humanity takes the right cues and finally achieves endemic status. Otherwise, it will be a time of continuing restrictions with no reward, and none of us want that. 

Speaking of different countries and global affairs, 6 vibrations can amplify feelings of patriotism fueled by the desire to do the right thing and protect the interests of its citizens. There is a broad spectrum of possibilities in how this kind of energy can manifest. Unfortunately, when issues regarding power enter the equation, things can go south fast. The 6 is one of the Emotional Numbers, and the shadow side of the 6 can make people highly opinionated and obstinate. People are more likely to double-down on their positions emotionally rather than rationally, which can mean cooler heads don't prevail after all. Whenever there's a 6 transit, be it through years, months, or days, I always watch out for excessive stubbornness and the rise of nationalism on a global scale. Stay alert. 

Side note- I'm not particularly enthused to see a U.S. midterm election occurring under these numeric conditions. The U.S. will also be in an 8 Personal Year during that time, enhancing issues regarding ambitions, control, and power grabs. I wouldn't be surprised if we see another riot or uprising- for example: in January 2021, we were in a 6 Universal Month. If I'm calling this incorrectly, I will be relieved- sometimes it's fantastic to be wrong.

All professions revolving around caregiving are highlighted under a 6 vibration. That includes all our health care workers and service industry people. So for those of you who are tired of reading articles about exhaustion in these workforce sectors, I'm sorry to say that trend will inevitably continue. The 6 vibe will demand that we give them our attention until such issues are adequately addressed. Resisting this numerical assignment is the equivalent of rolling a boulder uphill- you can keep pushing it, but you'll likely end up drained and run over in the process. 

So what do we do with all this information? 

Well, that's a damn good question. We are living through extraordinary times. Easy answers seem to constantly elude us. But I do have a few thoughts. 

First of all, and this is obvious, take good care of your health. No matter your beliefs about navigating these pandemic times, do whatever you can to avoid needing additional medical care or hospitalization. Watch what you eat. Get adequate rest. Drink enough water. Take your vitamins. Demonstrate active personal responsibility for your health and well-being.

Secondly, for f***'s sake, no matter how angry and depleted we may feel, it's NEVER an excuse to take our anger out on someone else. BE NICE TO FLIGHT ATTENDANTS, NURSES, DOCTORS, PEOPLE IN THE RESTAURANT INDUSTRY, AND OTHERS IN SIMILAR SERVICE INDUSTRIES. They are stressed and tired, and many of them are even more stressed and tired than us. Think about the well-being of others. Tempers and patience are running low everywhere- we have an opportunity to not be part of the problem. Remember, chickens always come home to roost. We will always get out of the world what we put into it. Acts of kindness will eventually flow back to us. Acts of ugliness and cruelty out there will ricochet back at us tenfold, and we won't have any right to cry victim. So be nice to those who serve you in all ways. Hell, be nice to everyone. Got it? We need to be better people and make better choices for everyone else AND ourselves. 

6 is often associated with the power of charity, love in action, and forgiveness. Might I gently suggest we focus on loving one another instead? This includes loving those on the other side of the proverbial fence than us. Yes, I fully understand just how challenging that might be, but hear me out on this. What have all the great religions and spiritual traditions told us since the dawn of time? 

Love begets love. Hate begets hate. 

Fighting begets more fighting. Kindness begets more kindness. 

Yes, some people will always be unreachable and difficult. Yet these timeless tenets remain valid for the vast majority of us! Hearts and minds are not changed through anger and conflict- such energy and behavior make people close up and stop listening. What we need is less reactivity. Choosing not to contribute to reactivity is genuinely a great form of practicing love. Even if we are just a single person, one tiny drop in a massive sea, we can still contribute calm and create placid waters in our own little corners of the world. The 6 will literally demand that we exercise kindness and CARE FOR EACH OTHER. There is no escaping this lesson. Yes, we will inevitably still disagree- practicing love doesn't instantaneously resolve everything. But it's a damn good start. Less humbug. More love. After all, the 6 commands it. 

We must all remember to keep breathing and stay grounded. It's been an exhausting two years. Prioritize mindfulness. It will keep you calm, sane, and compassionate. I will leave you with the wise and loving words of Frank Capra, the director of that Christmas classic movie, It's a Wonderful Life: 

"I want to put into your heads that the world is not all evil. Yes, we do have nightmares, but we also have dreams. We do have villainy, but we also have great compassion among ourselves. That's all I'm here for, really, trying to tell you that there's good in the world and that it's wonderful."

More appropriate quotes for the 6 Universal Year:


"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
― Dalai Lama XIV

"Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
― Chief Seattle

"The best way to respond to Hatred is to trigger Love. The one who Loves is the Greatest."
― Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

"The funny thing about the heart is a soft heart is a strong heart, and a hard heart is a weak heart."
― Criss Jami, Healology

"I don't know why it is, but every time I reach out for something I want, I have to pull back because other people will suffer."
― Arthur Miller, All My Sons

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