InTheKnow Tarot + Numerology - Delivering practical advice via mystical means


Intuition: Is It Real, and How Do I Know When It's Working?


I’ve been seeing a LOT of talk lately regarding the nature of intuition. Is it fact or fiction? What is it? Is it reliable? Does it contradict or supersede science? How does a person know when it’s working, or what it feels like? Is it all just a myth?

As someone who has structured my whole life around listening to, wrestling with, and ultimately following my intuition, naturally I have some opinions on the subject.

First of all, let me start by saying that despite what I do for a living, I believe strongly in the power of logic, proven data, and rational decision-making (my moon is in Capricorn, after all). That may seem contradictory when considering my line of work, but really it’s not. I believe that life requires a well-rounded, integrated approach to the many complicated situations that we navigate on a regular basis. Plus, if you want to be successful in this career path, you need to develop a strong radar for nonsense, because sadly there are people who like to peddle bullshit. That’s why I like to handle life’s ups and downs with a grounded, anchored, skeptical, yet open-minded approach.

I believe that intuition - TRUE intuition - doesn’t negate science and logic. In my life, I have found intuition is enhanced observation that we commonly sense on a physical level. It strengthens the rational realm by pointing us in directions that contain hidden kernels of wisdom and truth, further defining and shaping the facts as we currently understand them. Scientists have been studying the nature of intuition for some time and come up with some interesting findings, such as this article from the US National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health which studies the correlation between intuition and higher cognitive functions in the brain’s right hemisphere. The brain is such a complex and fascinating organ, leading experts in neuroscience freely admit they still have much to learn about it.

Does this make intuition somehow less magical? Not at all! What I maintain is this: what we intuitive-types sense through these remarkable gut-feelings is mostly uncharted territory that science will eventually be able to document. Science just hasn’t developed the necessary resources to prove it’s existence in a widely-accepted measurable format... yet. It may not happen in my lifetime, but I believe that day will come. Just look at the strides quantum mechanics have made in the past few decades alone. This is how the realms of science and spirit interweave together, and when they work in tandem, wondrous things happen.

Intuition is literally our survival instinct in action, and that is an incredible gift that lies within us. We use intuition to feel out and navigate the unseen. It’s simply another way of reading the energy around us. Think about it. Have you met someone, felt instant camaraderie with them, and many years later they are still one of your greatest friends? Conversely, did you ever meet a person and instantly get that icky pit in your stomach, only to find out later that they are psychologically disturbed? These experiences are universal. Intuition works in situations as well. Have you ever been out driving and suddenly felt the need to take the scenic route instead of the quickest route, only to learn if you’d followed your usual routine you would have been in the cross-hairs of a multiple car pileup? Virtually everyone has had at least one moment like these in their lifetime.

Hunches and gut feelings are absolutely real, and they can spare us from encountering dangerous people and bad situations. However, we humans are fallible creatures. We can experience difficulty deciphering the difference between a hunch versus an opinion. Our hidden biases and blind spots can put us in a bit of a sticky-wicket.


When it comes to decision-making, we have three major tools at our disposal: our head (logic), our heart (feeling), and our gut (instinct). I tend to think of them as our own personal traffic lights, with a little modification: at any time, and in any order, these personal traffic lights can be red, yellow, or green. Sometimes one is “all systems go,” while the other two are saying “Whoa, I don’t think so.” Using the traffic light analogy, ideally we want one or more of these centers to be solid green when it’s go time.

The head rules our thinking. It’s that practical voice that says “Go with the data. Things need to add up.” It elevates us above the fray when things get heated. We need our logical mind to keep us even-keeled and on steady footing. However it can sometimes fall short in compassion, love, and connectivity with others.

The heart is the gateway to our feelings. It makes us want to pursue loving actions, do things that feel good, get into excitable situations, and avoid emotionally painful situations. It reminds us we are alive! Sadly, affairs of the heart can lead us to make reckless choices.

The head and the heart are connected to our ego self, therefore they possess an inherent fallibility. That doesn’t mean they can’t lead us toward correct and harmonious outcomes; what it does mean is that operating solely from these centers has a varying degree of success/failure. Both the head and the heart can get it right. They can also get it wrong. We love them, we need them, and they are crucial to the human experience. However, how many times have you made a misstep because one of those two accidentally led you off a proverbial cliff? Goodness knows those two have caused me to tumble downhill on far too many occasions than I’d care to admit.

It’s times like these when that marvelous gut instinct, our intuition, is made to shine.

Our gut is both non-rational and non-reactive, therefore bypassing both the head and the heart. I know my intuition is working when it feels like a peaceful gong has been struck in my gut. It thoroughly reverberates from my lower abdomen throughout my entire body, calming any mental or emotional static. When that gong goes off, I know beyond a doubt what is clear and correct. Despite any tussle I may feel in my heart or head, that ringing of that proverbial gong calms and overrides the other two. Ideally, we want to feel that gong-in-the-gut ringing within us like the most soothing singing bowl in the whole world. It settles the debate between the head and the heart in a way that feels both detached yet fully connected, and the way forward emerges. It is this green light that ultimately matters most.


The gut is where we sense our intuition the strongest, and is always right. It’s sometimes accompanied by what is called that “still, small voice within.” It can lead us in directions that are deeply painful to the heart, yet somehow when it speaks, some part of you knows that you need to listen up and pay attention. Your brain may question why your gut led you in a certain direction because the immediate results seem horrible and illogical. Then one day, a major piece of information gets revealed and all the pieces fall into place in an instant. These “a-ha” moments are our verification and validation. That gut instinct is our protector, our long-range cheerleader, our own personal zen master. It is our best friend.

Time has taught me again and again, to ever and always trust whenever that gong sounds off. Over and over, it has lead me toward the safest and best paths for my ultimate highest good, even when it’s reasoning is not immediately clear. It can prove itself immeasurably valuable to you, too. All you need to do is to learn how to slow down and pay attention.

Learn to listen to your body. Become still, and observe how your body reacts the next time you are contemplating your next difficult decision. Is your mind very active? Is your heart racing? Are either one of them anchored by that solid gut feeling? If yes, great. Two out of three isn’t bad, as long as one of them is your gut. If all three are ringing and resonating, fantastic! If the upper two are yammering on like Statler and Waldorf on repeat, but your gut is as silent as the grave leaving you feeling like an untethered balloon, then hit the pause button. Wait until you feel that go-ahead from the deepest part of your being. If you don’t have time on your side and you need to make decisions straight away, perhaps it’s time for a reading- it will help you get your “traffic lights” tuned up once more.

This blog, and all blogs on this website © Bethany Abrahamson 2020 – InTheKnow Tarot+Numerology LLC. All rights reserved.